Create a custom Orchard Core CMS theme
Setup a new Orchard project
- Follow steps in Setup Orchard Core CMS document to setup a new Orchard Core CMS.
- Please make sure you can login to an admin panel.
- After you have setup a project, you should have a project structure like this:$ tree -I 'bin|obj' orchard-exampleorchard-example└── src└── OrchardExample.Cms├── NLog.config├── OrchardExample.Cms.csproj├── Program.cs├── Properties│ └── launchSettings.json├── Startup.cs├── appsettings.json└── wwwroot
Create a new theme
- CD to
folder. - Create a new folder with name
folder. - CD to
- Create a theme with name
by usingdotnet new octheme
command. - Note, you can change a theme's name to any name that you want.$ cd orchard-example$ mkdir src/Themes$ cd src/Themes$ dotnet new octheme --name OrchardExample.Theme --AddLiquid false
- Note Orchard Core CMS's theme/view supports Liquid template and it is default to Liquid template. However we want use Razor template because we can debug with step into/step over and we can use C# code inside a view.
Our project structure after adding a theme
$ tree -I 'bin|obj|' orchard-exampleorchard-example└── src├── OrchardExample.Cms│ ├── NLog.config│ ├── OrchardExample.Cms.csproj│ ├── Program.cs│ ├── Properties│ │ └── launchSettings.json│ ├── Startup.cs│ ├── appsettings.json│ └── wwwroot│ └── .placeholder└── Themes└── OrchardExample.Theme├── Manifest.cs└── OrchardExample.Theme.csproj
Create a layout file
Cd to
(the root folder) and usecode .
command to launch VS Code.Create
file in OrchardExample.Theme project.Add the following content to
.<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="@Orchard.CultureName()"><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /><title>@RenderTitleSegments(Site.SiteName, "before")</title><resources type="Meta" /><!-- INSERT REQUIRED RESOURCES HERE --><style asp-name="bootstrap" version="4" at="Head"></style><script asp-name="bootstrap" version="4" at="Foot"></script><resources type="HeadLink" /><resources type="Stylesheet" /><resources type="HeadScript" /></head><body dir="@Orchard.CultureDir()">@await RenderBodyAsync()<footer>@await RenderSectionAsync("Footer", required: false)</footer><resources type="FootScript" /></body></html>Layout.cshtml
is the main document of our theme which contains header, body and footer.Add
file and add the following content to it.@inherits OrchardCore.DisplayManagement.Razor.RazorPage<TModel>@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers@addTagHelper *, OrchardCore.DisplayManagement@addTagHelper *, OrchardCore.ResourceManagement@addTagHelper *, OrchardCore.Menu@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing@using Microsoft.Extensions.Options@using OrchardCore.ContentManagement@using OrchardCore.ContentManagement.Routing
Our project structure after adding Layout.cshtml
$ tree -I 'bin|obj|App_Data|Localization|wwwroot' orchard-exampleorchard-example└── src├── OrchardExample.Cms│ ├── NLog.config│ ├── OrchardExample.Cms.csproj│ ├── Program.cs│ ├── Properties│ │ └── launchSettings.json│ ├── Startup.cs│ └── appsettings.json└── Themes└── OrchardExample.Theme├── Manifest.cs├── OrchardExample.Theme.csproj└── Views├── Layout.cshtml└── _ViewImports.cshtml
Launch a website
- Open an integrated terminal in VS Code.
- From the root folder of the project, CD to
folder. - Reference the theme project to
project by running the following command:$ cd src/OrchardExample.Cms$ dotnet add reference ../Themes/OrchardExample.Theme/OrchardExample.Theme.csproj - Launch the project with
dotnet run
.$ dotnet run - Open a browser and navigate to https://localhost:5001/admin.
- Fill your admin's username and password that you have setup on a setup new website page.
- After you have logged in an admin site, on lef-hand side menu, click Design > Themes.
- You should find our
, clickMake Current
to set it as a default frontend theme. - Go to the home page https://localhost:5001/ and you should find that our custom theme has been applied.
- Note, the layout of our theme is very simple and it does not have a menu. We will add a menu later when we go deeper in theme development.
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