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Setup Orchard Core CMS

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Install .NET on Ubuntu LTS

  • Follow How to install .NET on Ubuntu LTS document to install .NET on Ubuntu LTS.

Install Orchard Template

  • Use the following command to install a new project template It'll release package.
    $ dotnet new -i "OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.5.0"
  • Create a new folder with name orchard-example, we will use it as a root folder of our project.
  • Inside the root folder, create a folder src to store the project's source code.
  • CD to orchard-example/src.
  • Use dotnet new occms command to create a new OrchardCore CMS project with name OrchardExample.Cms.
  • You can change a project's name to any name that you want.
    $ mkdir -p orchard-example/src
    $ cd orchard-example/src
    $ dotnet new occms --name OrchardExample.Cms --framework net6.0

Open the project with VS Code

  • CD back to the root folder (orchard-example).
  • Launch VS Code.
    $ cd orchard-example
    $ code .

Optionally add preview package source

  • At root of the project, create nuget.config file.
  • Add the following code to the file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <clear />
    <add key="NuGet" value="" />
    <add key="OrchardCorePreview" value="" />
    <disabledPackageSources />
  • Warning, we do not suggest you to use the dev packages in production.

Explore the project's file structure

$ tree -I "bin|obj" orchard-example
├── nuget.config
└── src
└── OrchardExample.Cms
├── NLog.config
├── OrchardExample.Cms.csproj
├── Program.cs
├── Properties
│   └── launchSettings.json
├── appsettings.json
└── wwwroot

Launch a website

  • Use VS Code integrated terminal by pressing ctrl + `
  • CD to src/OrchardExample.Cms folder.
  • Run the project with the following commands:
    $ cd src/OrchardExample.Cms
    $ dotnet run
    Note, please make sure you've saved all changes before running the command.
  • FYI, dotnet run automatically download all Nuget packages so you don't need to explicitly run dotnet restore.
  • Please refer to for more information.

Set up a new Orchard CMS website

  • Open a browser and navigate to https://localhost:5001.
  • You will find Orchard Core CMS setup page.

Orchard setup page

  • Tip, you can put chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost command setting in Chrome's address bar, enable that setting and relaunch Chrome to not show warning message on localhost.
  • Set up a new website with any name you want and use Blog recipe.
  • Use SQLite to simplify our project. For using it as production database, please refer to
  • Note, if you are going to use other database types, you need to create an empty database before setting up a website.**.
  • Set an admin's username and email to any values you want.
  • Click Finish setup button.
  • You will be redirected to a home page.
  • Go to an admin site by navigating to https://localhost:5001/admin and log in with your admin's username and password.

Example of a home page set up with blog recipe

orchard core cms home page

Example of an admin site

orchard core cms admin page

All Orchard Core Cms Templates

  • You can use dotnet new to list all installed templates, and you can select it by using Short Name of a template.

Other useful tips

Update Orchard Core CMS template

  • Execute the following command to update Orchard Core CMS template:

    $ dotnet new --install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.5.0
  • Example of the result after running dotnet new.

    $ dotnet new
    Templates Short Name Language Tags
    -------------------------------------------- -------------- ---------- ----------------------
    Orchard Core Cms Module ocmodulecms [C#] Web/Orchard Core/CMS
    Orchard Core Cms Web App occms [C#] Web/Orchard Core/CMS
    Orchard Core Theme octheme [C#] Web/Orchard Core/CMS
    Orchard Core Mvc Module ocmodulemvc [C#] Web/Orchard Core/Mvc
    Orchard Core Mvc Web App ocmvc [C#] Web/Orchard Core/Mvc
  • Example command to use Orchard Core Cms Web App Template to create a new Orchard Core CMS website project.

    $ dotnet new occms --name [PROJECT_NAME]
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