Manage Azure Database for PostgreSQL
- Create an Azure Account.
- Set up Azure CLI.
- Log in with Azure CLI.
- Create a resource group.
- If you haven’t done these requirements, please refer to Azure CLI content for more information.
Create Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server
- To use Azure Database for PostgreSQL, we need to create a database server
- Specify a database name parameter.
- Specify firewall rule to allow Azure Service to connect to a database server.
Create Azure Database for PostgreSQL- Flexible Server command
- Command:
Terminal window $ az postgres flexible-server create \--name <SERVER_NAME> \--database-name <DATABASE_NAME> \--resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> \--location <LOCATION> \--admin-user <ADMIN_USERNAME> \--admin-password <ADMIN_PASSWORD> \--public-access <IP_ADDRESS> \--backup-retention <BACKUP_RETENTION_DAYS> \--high-availability <high-availability_option> \--tier <SERVER_TIER> \--sku-name <SKU_NAME> \--storage-size <STORAGE_IN_GIGABYTES> - DATABASE_SERVER_NAME must be unique and we cannot use an existing server name in Azure cloud.
- To list all exiting servers, use
az postgres flexible-server list
. - We cannot use - (dash) for ADMIN_USERNAME.
- If your ADMIN_PASSWORD has special characters you need to wrap it with single quotes.
- To list all available locations, run
az account list-locations --output table
. - For IP_Address, set to to allow public access from any resources deployed within Azure to access your server.
- To list all available SKU, use
az postgres flexible-server list-skus --location location-name --output table
. - Connect a server with
host name. - More details for Azure Database for PostgreSQL CLI
Example code to create Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server
- Code:
Terminal window $ az postgres flexible-server create \--name codesanook-example-db-server \--database-name codesanook-example-db \--resource-group codesanook-example-resource-group \--location eastus \--admin-user codesanook_example_sa \--admin-password 'very-secured-password' \--public-access \--backup-retention 14 \--high-availability Disabled \--tier Burstable \--sku-name Standard_B1ms \--storage-size 32 - Note Do not forget to always generate a new strong password for admin password.
- High availability is not supported for
tier. - Some SKUs may not be supported by all locations.
Connect to a database server
- Use these values to connect to a database server (Postgres):
- Host:
- Port:
- Database:
- Username:
- Password:
- Host:
- To connect with PostgreSQL CLI, use the following command:
Terminal window $ psql -h -U codesanook_example_sa codesanook-example-db - Then it will prompt you to enter a password.
- After connected to a database, you can list schema in a database with the following command.
select schema_name from information_schema.schemata;
Example code to delete a database server
- Code:
$ az postgres flexible-server delete \ --resource-group codesanook-example-resource-group \ --name codesanook-example-db-server \ --yes