Azure CLI
Install Azure CLI on WSL2 (Ubuntu)
Install with one command
$ curl -sL | sudo bash
Update to the latest version
$ az upgrade
Uninstall Azure CLI
Log in Azure CLI
- Execute the following command$ az login
- A browser will be opened.
- Log in with your Azure account.
- Wait for a while and you will get your subscription in JSON format and a shell is read to enter a new command.
List all subscription you have and check a default subscription
az account list --output table
Set a default subscription
az account set --subscription <subscription name or id>
- How to manage Azure subscription
Create a resource group with a default subscription.
az group create --location <location-name> --name <resource-group-name>
- To list all locations, use
az account list-locations --output table
. - To list all existing resource groups of the default subscription, use
az group list --output table
. - More details for Azure resource group
Get Azure Credentials for azure/login action
- Run the following command:
az ad sp create-for-rbac \--name {name} --role contributor \--scopes /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group} \--sdk-auth
- Replace {name}, {subscription-id} and {resource-group} with your name reference, subscription and resource group.
- The command should return JSON object similar to this:
{"clientId": "<GUID>","clientSecret": "<GUID>","subscriptionId": "<GUID>","tenantId": "<GUID>",(...)}
- Store the above JSON object as the value of a GitHub secret with a name, for example
- Then use a secret in your GitHub Actions workflow script, for example
${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
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