Manage Azure SQL Database with Azure CLI
- Create an Azure Account.
- Set up Azure CLI.
- Log in with Azure CLI.
- Create a resource group.
- If you haven't done these requirements, please refer to Azure CLI content for more information.
Create Azure SQL Database for Azure services
- To use Azure SQL Database, we need to create a database server.
- Add a firewall rule to allow Azure Service to connect to a database server.
- Create a database.
Create Azure SQL Server
- Command:az sql server create \--name <DATABASE_SERVER_NAME> \--resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> \--location <LOCATION> \--admin-user <ADMIN_USERNAME> \--admin-password <ADMIN_PASSWORD>
- Name must be unique and we cannot use an existing server name in Azure cloud.
- If your ADMIN_PASSWORD has special characters you need to wrap it with single quotes.
- To list all available locations, run
az account list-locations --output table
. - To list all exiting servers, use
az sql server list --output table
. - Connect a server with
host name. - More details for Azure SQL Server
Example code to create Azure SQL Server instance:
- Code:az sql server create \--name codesanook-example-db-server \--resource-group codesanook-example-resource-group \--location southeastasia \--admin-user codesanook-example-sa \--admin-password 'very-secured-password'
- Note Do not forget to always generate a new strong password for admin password.
Allow Azure services and other Azure resources to connect to Azure SQL Server
- Command:az sql server firewall-rule create \--resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> \--server <DATABASE_SERVER_NAME> \--name AllowAllWindowsAzureIps \--start-ip-address \--end-ip-address
- Example code to create a firewall rule that allows all Azure services:az sql server firewall-rule create \--server codesanok-example-db-server \--resource-group codesanook-example-resource-group \--name AllowAllWindowsAzureIps \--start-ip-address \--end-ip-address
Create Azure SQL Database
- Command:az sql db create \--name <DATABASE_NAME> \--server <DATABASE_SERVER_NAME> \--resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> \--catalog-collation <COLLATION_OF_A_METADATA_CATALOG> \--collation <COLLATION_OF_A_DATABASE> \--edition <EDITION_OF_SKU> \--capacity <CAPACITY_OF_SKU> \--max-size <MAX_DATABASE_SIZE> \--backup-storage-redundancy <BACKUP_REDUNDANCY_VALUE>
- To list all available database edition for a region, use
az sql db list-editions --location <location-name> --output table
. - For Southeast Asia location use
. To list all locations, useaz account list-locations --output table
. - Valid values of --backup-storage-redundancy are
Local, Zone and Geo
. - More details for Azure SQL database.
Example code to create a free Azure SQL Database
- Code:az sql db create \--name codesanook-example-db \--server codesanook-example-db-server \--resource-group codesanook-example-resource-group \--catalog-collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS \--collation Latin1_General_CI_AS \--edition Free \--capacity 5 \--max-size 32MB \--backup-storage-redundancy Zone
- This will create a free Azure SQL database which has 32MB of database size and 5DTU.
- To get more details of Free edition, run
az sql db list-editions --location southeastasia --edition Free
- Please note that subscription can have only one free database per region.
- To provision another free database in same subscription, choose a different region.
- To provision another free database in same region, use different subscription.
Example code to create the cheapest Azure SQL Database
- Code:az sql db create \--name codesanook-example-db \--server codesanook-example-db-server \--resource-group codesanook-example-resource-group \--catalog-collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS \--collation Thai_CI_AS \--edition Basic \--capacity 5 \--max-size 2GB \--backup-storage-redundancy Zone
- This will create the cheapest Azure SQL database which costs $4.90 a month and has 2GB of database size.
- Use Thai case insensitive and accent sensitive database collation.
Other useful commands
List all existing servers
- Command:az sql server list \--resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> \--output table
- Example code to list all existing databases on a specific sql server list \--resource-group codesanook-example-resource-group \--output table
List all existing databases on a specific server
- Command:az sql db list \--server <DATABASE_SERVER_NAME> \--resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> \--output table
- Example code to list all existing servers in a specific resource sql db list \--server codesanook-example-db-server \--resource-group codesanook-example-resource-group \--output table
Show details of a server
- Command:az sql server show \--name <DATABASE_SERVER_NAME> \--resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>
- Example:az sql server show \--name codesanook-example-db-server \--resource-group codesanook-example-resource-group
Delete a database
- Command:az sql db delete \--name <DATABASE_NAME> \--server <DATABASE_SERVER_NAME>--resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> \--yes
- Example code to delete a database:az sql db delete \--name codesanok-example-db \--server codesanok-example-db-server \--resource-group codesanook-example-resource-group \--yes
Update an admin password
- Command:az sql server update \--name <DATABASE_SERVER_NAME> \--admin-password <ADMIN_PASSWORD> \--resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>
- Example code to update an admin password:az sql server update \--name codesanook-example-db-server \--admin-password 'very-secured-password' \--resource-group codesanook-example-resource-group
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