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Send a message to a channel with Discord bot

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  • You have setup Discord Server.
  • You have create a new bot and add it to your Discord server.
  • Please check "Making Your First Bot with Discord.Net" document for more information.

Setup .NET project and add required Nuget package

  • Create a .NET Console app project with the following command:
    $ dotnet new console --name DiscordClientExample
  • CD to DiscordClientExample folder and add a Nuget package with the following command:
    $ dotnet add package Discord.Net

Update code to send a message to Discord channel

  • Open the project with VS Code.

  • Open Program.cs file and update the code as following:

    using Discord;
    using Discord.WebSocket;
    const string botToken = @"";
    ulong channelId = 0;
    var client = new DiscordSocketClient();
    await client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, botToken);
    await client.StartAsync();
    var channel = await client.GetChannelAsync(channelId) as IMessageChannel;
    await channel!.SendMessageAsync("Hello world");
  • Get bot's token from Discord application portal and set it as value of botToken variable.

  • Get ID of a channel that you want to send a message to. You must enable developer mode before you can get a channel ID. Set it to channelId variable;

Run the project

  • Open VS Code integrated terminal with ctrl+` shotcut.
  • Then execute the follow command:
    $ dotnet run

Verify if we have message from Discord bot in a chanel

  • If everything works properly, you should find Hello world message in a Discord channel.

Update code to send an embedded message to Discord channel

Send a message with an image that is hosted on a server.

  • Open Program.cs file and update the code as following:

    using Discord;
    using Discord.WebSocket;
    const string botToken = @"";
    ulong channelId = 0;
    var client = new DiscordSocketClient();
    await client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, botToken);
    await client.StartAsync();
    var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
    .WithImageUrl("") // a URL of an image
    var channel = await client.GetChannelAsync(channelId) as IMessageChannel;
    // TTS (text to speech), to set whether the message should be read aloud by Discord or not.
    await channel!.SendMessageAsync(text: "We ♥ Linux.", isTTS: false, embed: embed);

Send a message with a stream image data

  • This can be useful when you want to use a local image and upload it to Discord server.

  • Open Program.cs file and update the code as following:

    using Discord;
    using Discord.WebSocket;
    const string botToken = @"";
    ulong channelId = 0;
    var client = new DiscordSocketClient();
    await client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, botToken);
    await client.StartAsync();
    // The attached file name must match the one sent to Discord
    const string fileName = "tux.png";
    var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
    .WithDescription("We ♥ Linux.")
    using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
    var fileUrl = "";
    using var downloadedStream = await new HttpClient().GetStreamAsync(fileUrl);
    await downloadedStream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
    var channel = await client.GetChannelAsync(channelId) as IMessageChannel;
    await channel!.SendFileAsync(stream: memoryStream, filename: fileName, embed: embed);

Send a colored message.

  • You can send colored text within ANSI code blocks by using ANSI escape code.
  • Here is the syntax \u001b + "[" + <zero or more numbers, separated by ";"> + <a letter>
  • The number between [ and m represent text format, foreground and background color. e.g 1:bold, 31:red foreground, 47:white background.
  • Note for the escape, using \u0001 does not work for me. I need to copy ESC () unicode and use it directly.
  • Use the following code to send a bold text with red color and white background.
 Hello World 
  • We use \n at the end to reset color back to normal.


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