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Object-Oriented-Programming in F#

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How to write a class in F#? This chapter explains Object-oriented "capabilities" in F#. Warning, though, Object-Oriented feature is the second-class citizen in F#, meaning OOP model in F# is simpler than C#, for example there is no protected access level in F#... OOP in F# is just for interoperation with C# libraries.


Simple Class

Let's create a simple Point class for comparison. Note that since F# uses immutable data types by default, the example is also immutable for simplicity sake.

// Point.cs
using System;
namespace Example {
public class Point {
public int X { get; }
public int Y { get; }
public Point(int x, int y){
X = x;
Y = y;
/// <summary>
/// Distance of this point from origin (0,0)
/// </summary>
public double CalculateDistance() => Math.Sqrt(X*X + Y*Y);

In F#:

// Point.fs
module Example
type Point(x: int, y: int) =
member my.X = x
member my.Y = y
/// Distance of this point from origin (0,0)
member my.CalculateDistance() = sqrt(double(me.X * me.X + me.Y * me.Y))

Much shorter and more pleasant code, isn't it? 😆 Generally, writing a class in F# is shorter and terse due to its simpler syntaxes. To define a class, use keyword type following by a class name and constructor parameters. This line type Point(x: int, y: int) declares the class Point and the constructor in one line, neat, right?

Next 2 lines defines X and Y properties. Note that it can refer to the constructor's parameter right away! The word my is a custom identifier representing the object instance. You can use any name on this part, F# doesn't have keyword this. People often use the word this but, for me, I often use me or my as it's shorter. 😊

The last line is to define the method CalculateDistance, this one is very much like C#'s but shorter due to type omission, though you may notice that the method's body is longer. This is because X and Y are int but to use sqrt function, the parameter needs to be floating-point number. So, that double() function is actually a way to cast int to double in F#.

Private Member

If you don't specify, all F# declarations are public by default. F# has only public or private access-level. To mark a member as private, put private keyword after member.

// Point.fs
module Example
type Point(x: int, y: int) =
member my.X = x
member my.Y = y
// private method
member private my.CalculatePower2() = double(me.X * me.X + me.Y * me.Y)
/// Distance of this point from origin (0,0)
member my.CalculateDistance() = sqrt(my.CalculatePower2())

Empty Class

To implement an empty class, we must use full form class declaration, which begins with class and ends with end.

type EmptyClass() = class end

Static Class??

What is comparable to C#'s static class is F#'s module, for example:

public static class MyUtils {
public static double Distance(int x, int y) => Math.Sqrt(X*X + Y*Y);

This can be written as a function under a module:

module MyUtils =
let Distance(x: int, y: int) = sqrt(double(x * x + y * y))

(Little note, Distance is not a proper conventional function name in F#, a proper one should be distance -- camelCase.)

Abstract Class




Extension Method


Anonymous Object from Interface



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