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Setup Gauge


  • Node.js version >= 10.16.3 (LTS). Follow the instruction in the link below to install Node.js.
  • Yarn & Gauge
    • Open a new shell.
    • Install Yarn with the following command:
    Terminal window
    sudo npm install -g yarn
    • Install Gauge as a global tool with the following command.
    Terminal window
    sudo npm install -g @getgauge/cli
    • It will take a several minutes since installing Gauge needs Chromium.
    • Gauge works cross platforms but for using Linux, you need to use sudo when install it.

Verify all requirement

  • Open a new shell and execute the following commands:
Terminal window
yarn -v
gauge -v
  • You should get versions of Yarn and Gauge without any errors.

Create a new Gauge project with TypeScript template

  • Open a new shell.
  • Create a new folder for a Gauge project and initialize the project with TypeScript template.
Terminal window
mkdir gauge-example
cd gauge-example
gauge init ts
  • Optionally, you can change a folder name (project name) to any name that you want.
  • Tip use gauge init js to create a Gauge project with JavaScript template.
  • Install all Node.js packages with yarn.
yarn install

Open and update the project with VS Code

  • Open the project folder with VS Code
Terminal window
code .
  • Install Gauge extension for VS Code
  • Optionally, add .editorconfig file at the root of the project with the following content:
# EditorConfig is awesome:
# top-most EditorConfig file
root = true
# Unix-style newlines with a newline ending every file
end_of_line = lf
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
insert_final_newline = true
  • Optionally, you can add "editor.codeLens": true to .vscode/settings.json to make sure code lens is always enable.
    • Gauge extension uses code lens for showing Run Scenario|Debug Scenario option.
    • Here is the example content of .vscode/settings.json
    "files.associations": {
    "*.spec": "gauge",
    "*.cpt": "gauge"
    "editor.codeLens": true,

Run the project from Ru Scenario option

  • Open /specs/example.spec file and you will find Run Scenario option above Display number of items message
  • Display number of items is a test scenario.
  • Click Run Scenario and a browser will be launched a todo app.
  • After a test has finished, you will get a successful result in the output window.
  • You can view a test report from a link in the output window.

Run project from the command line

  • Open package.json at the root of the project and add the following code
"scripts": {
"test": "gauge run specs"
  • Open VS integrated terminal.
  • Run all tests in the project with the following command:
yarn test
  • Here is the test result in a terminal
Terminal window
$ gauge run specs
# Getting Started with Gauge
## Display number of items ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
## Must list only active tasks ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Successfully generated html-report to => /home/aaron/projects/gauge-example/reports/html-report/index.html
Specifications: 1 executed 1 passed 0 failed 0 skipped
Scenarios: 2 executed 2 passed 0 failed 0 skipped
Total time taken: 3.659s