Working with a file
Convert end of line CRLF to LF
PS> $path = ".\file-name.txt"; `(Get-Content $path -Raw).Replace("rn", "`n") `| Set-Content $Path -NoNewline -Force
Find all folders contain a specific file name
- For example, find yarn.lock and are not in node_modules folderPS> Get-ChildItem -Path . -Recurse -Filter "yarn.lock" `| Select-Object -ExpandProperty DirectoryName -Unique `| Where-Object { $_ -NotMatch "node_modules" }
Rename all files in a folder
PS> gci | ren -NewName { $_.Name -replace "old-name", "new-name" }
Get all files' names in the current directory
Bash with ls and grep commands
$ ls -al | grep -Po "(?<=\s)[\w\-\.]+$"
Short explaination of the Regex patern:
- Find any string which contains A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, - and . at the end of a line and has a single space before it.
More detail of matches:
, match the position only which has a single space come before it and start a new search position.[\w\-\.]+
, match[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]
at least one character$
match the position after the last character at the end of line.
PowerShell with Get-ChildItem and Select-Object Cmdlets
PS> gci | select name
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