GitHub CLI secret
- Set up GitHub CLI
- Log in to GitHub with GitHub CLI
- If you haven’t done all requirements, please refer to Set up GitHub CLI document.
Create or update a GitHub secret with CLI
- To create or update a GitHub secret run:
Terminal window gh secret set <SECRET_NAME> \--body <SECRET_VALUE> \--repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO> - Example code to create or update a GitHub secret:
Terminal window gh secret set AZURE_WEBAPP_NAME \--body codesanook-example-app-service \--repo codesanook/codesanok-example-app-service - Assume that we have a repository name “codesanok-example-app-service” under “codesanook” organization.
- Example code to create or update a GitHub secret from content of a file:
Terminal window gh secret set AZURE_WEBAPP_NAME \< secret-value.json \--repo codesanook/codesanok-example-app-service - To show help of the command, run:
Terminal window gh help secret set
List all existing GitHub secrets
- Command:
Terminal window gh secret list --repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO> - Example code to list all existing GitHub secret a specific repository:
Terminal window gh secret list --repo codesanook/codesanok-example-app-service
Remove an existing GitHub secret
- Command:
Terminal window gh secret remove <SECRET_NAME> --repo <[HOST/]OWNER/REPO> - Example code to list all existing GitHub secret a specific repository:
Terminal window gh secret remove AZURE_WEBAPP_NAME --repo codesanook/codesanok-example-app-service