git checkout
Basic commands
Create a branch based on the current branch
git checkout -b "new-branch-name" -
Create a branch based on the hash value or relative to the latest commit of the current branch
git checkout -b "new-branch-name" <sha1-of-commit or HEAD~3> -
How to reset or revert a file to a specific revision?
git checkout c5f567 -- file1/to/restore file2/to/restore -
Hard reset of a single file
git checkout -- file-name-that-you-deleted -
— basically means: treat every argument after
as a file name. More details, please refer to this link.
Checking out a PR branch for coding review
Add a contributor’s remote:
Terminal window $ git remote add [REFERENCE_NAME] [email protected]:[CONTRIBUTOR_USERNAME]/[REPOSITORY] -
REFERENCE_NAME is usually a contributor’s name, e.g. aaron, mild.
Then, fetch all branches of a contributor’s remote.
Terminal window $ git fetch [REFERENCE_NAME] -
Git will suggest a local branch and a tracking remote branch that you can checkout later without
option which you can’t do in other cases”Terminal window * [new branch] branch-name -> [REFERENCE_NAME]/branch-name -
You can now checkout a new branch with:
Terminal window $ git checkout branch-name -
This keeps a local branch on your computer.
You can also checkout a temporary branch with:
$ git checkout [REFERENCE_NAME]/branch-name