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Basic Flexbox

  • A Complete Guide to Flexbox


Flex trouble shooting

Flex item size glow beyond flex container and table not show scroll x.

  • Start from a screen size 1200px.
  • Left and right sidebars take 500 px, then main content has available space more than minimum 600px of child content (assume we have table child item.
  • The main content grows to fit available space. It ends up 700px. (1200 - (2* 250))
  • Next, on a smaller screen 1000px width.
  • We need at least 1100px, left sidebar 250px + table 600px + right side 250px.
  • No width or min-width of main content which is a flex item. A table forces main content flex item to expand and get browser to have page scroll x.
  • The main content width is set to 600px which is the same width as a child content (table).
  • After, setting min-width 1% to main content on 1000px screen size.
  • The main content has set width to available space which is 500px and not expand to 600px because we only has flex shrink on it.
  • Table has width 600px as a minimum width (sum of 100 min width of 6 columns) and show scroll-x at wrapper div of it.

Responsive and scroll-x table in flex item

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