Debugging in VS Code
Debug C# Code
file.Add the following content and change program value to your output file.
{"version": "0.2.0","configurations": [{"name": ".NET Core Launch (console)","type": "coreclr","request": "launch","preLaunchTask": "build",// TODO Change program value to your output file.// If you have changed target frameworks, make sure to update the program path.","program": "${workspaceFolder}/bin/Debug/net5.0/MyProgram.dll","args": [],"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}","console": "internalConsole","stopAtEntry": false}]}Create
file.Add the following content and use your project file.
{"version": "2.0.0","tasks": [{"label": "build","command": "dotnet","type": "process","args": ["build",// TODO Change a value to your project file."${workspaceFolder}/MyProgram.csproj","/property:GenerateFullPaths=true","/consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary"],"problemMatcher": "$msCompile"}]}Alternatively you can use VS Code to generate launch.json and tasks.json.
- Click Debug icon.
- Click create a launch.json file.
- Click .NET Core.
Open a project with VS Code.
Put a breakpoint (F9) on a line that you want to pause a program and inspect value of a variable.
Start a program by pressing F5 or go to
Run > Start Debugging
.- If you want to debug LINQ, put a cursor on Lambda expression and go to
Run > New Breakpoint > Inline Breakpoint
. - You can also put a cursor on a lambda expression and press F9.
- If you want to debug LINQ, put a cursor on Lambda expression and go to
A program will be launched and pause on a line that you put a breakpoint.
You can inspect current values of variables in variable window, add variable to watch and see call stack.
Debug with an external terminal WSL2
If we set
"console": "externalTerminal"
option in launch.json, we will getUnable to launch debugger worker process (vsdbg) through the terminal. spawn xterm ENOENT
error message.We can use
dotnet run
in an external terminal to run our .NET project and then attach a debugger.For a console app, we may need to add checking
at the beginning of the main method as the following code:public static void Main(string[] args){while (!Debugger.IsAttached){Thread.Sleep(100);}}Add
.NET Core Attach
configuration to launch.json file.{"version": "0.2.0","configurations": [{"name": ".NET Core Attach","type": "coreclr","request": "attach"}]}In an external terminal, CD to the root of our project and execute
dotnet run
.$ dotnet runGo back to VS Code. Put a breakpoint to a line that you want a pause a program.
Click Debug icon.
Change to .NET Core Attach configuration.
Click Start Debugging button or press F5.
Select a process that has a name matches to our project name.
A program has been paused at a breakpoint and we can now start debugging, inspecting a value.